Caching SSO & JWT

The goal here is to prevent the EsiSecurity object to make a request to get the different information from the EVE SSO discovery URL and JWKS



You will need:

  • A persistant cache
  • requests
  • SSO discovery URL


Get the JWT / SSO informations and cache them

import requests
from your.persistent.cache import Cache

# this is you cache, replace this by whatever you use (redis, memcached...)
cache = Cache()

# discovery URL

# get the SSO endpoints data
res = requests.get(DISCOVERY_URL)
sso_endpoints = res.json()

# get the JWKS. JWKS url is in the SSO discovery response
JWKS_URL = sso_endpoints['jwks_uri']
res = requests.get(JWKS_URL)
jwks = res.json()

# cache the data 1day (you can cache them more time if you want/need)
cache.set('sso_endpoints', sso_endpoints, 86400)
cache.set('jwks', jwks, 86400)


Use the cached data in EsiSecurity

from esipy import EsiSecurity
from your.persistent.cache import Cache

cache = Cache()

# define some variables for the security object
SECRET_KEY = 'blablabla'
CLIENT_ID = 12345
CALLBACK_URI = 'localhost/callback'

# instanciate
security = EsiSecurity(
    sso_endpoints=cache.get('sso_endpoint', None),
    jwks_key=cache.get('jwks', None)

And there you go, now your security object will not request these informations but will use the data you provided from cache.