

The EsiPy App wrapper that will deal with pyswagger.App and caching.


  • redirect_uri - The URL you want to redirect the user after login into SSO
  • client_id - the OAuth2 client ID
  • secret_key - (Optional) the OAuth2 secret key. Default is None. Either this or code_verifier must be provided
  • code_verifier - (Optional) the PKCE code verifier Default is None. Either this or secret_key must be provided
  • headers - (Optional) A dict containing any header you want to add. Not adding User-Agent header will trigger a warn.
  • token_identifier - (Optional) Identifies the token for the user the value will then be passed as argument to any callback
  • security_name - (Optional) The name of the object holding the informations in the securityDefinitions, used to check authed endpoint. Default is evesso
  • signal_token_updated - (Optional) Allow to define a custom Signal to replace AFTER_TOKEN_REFRESH using signal_token_updated when initializing the client
  • sso_endpoints_url - (Optional) Discovery URL for SSO endpoints. Default is Change this URL to use SISI or Serenity SSO.
  • sso_endpoints - (Optional) Dict containing the content of the SSO endpoint discovery URL. Can be used if this information is cached client side. Default is None. If this is None, EsiSecurity will make a request to get the informations.
  • jwks_key - (Optional) Dict containing the content of the SSO JSON Web Key Set (URL found in SSO endpoint discovery). Default is None. If this is None, EsiSecurity will make a request to get the informations.

EsiSecurity.verify(kid='JWT-Signature-Key', options=None)

Use python-jose to validate and decode the token and return the token informations.


  • kid - (Optional) The key id used to select the key (from the JWKS) to decode and validate the token. Default is JWT-Signature-Key.
  • options - (Optional) The dictionary of options for skipping some validation steps. See this for more details


Get the tokens from SSO using the given code, and return the json response containing the tokens.


  • code - The code sent by EVE SSO when the logger


Use the given refresh token (using update_token or auth) to get a new access_token.


  • scope_list - (Optional) List - Define a subset of scope to refresh. Default is None


Use the current tokens to make a request CCP side to revoke these tokens.


Check if the stored access_token is expired, with the offset offset.


  • offset - The number of seconds to offset for the check.

EsiSecurity.update_token(response_json, **kwargs)

Update the security object with the given tokens.


  • response_json - The dict (json) that contains the token information: {'access_token':'token', 'refresh_token':'token', 'expires_in': seconds}
  • token_identifier - The user identifier that identifies the token for him.

EsiSecurity.get_auth_uri(state, scopes=None, implicit=False)

Generate the SSO auth URL, using the given parameters and EsiSecurity attributes. If no secret_key is provided but code_verifier, the function will automatically use the PCKE flow.

Parameters: All parameters are optional.

  • state - The state to add to the URL
  • scopes - (Optional) The list of scopes to add to the auth URL
  • implicit - (Optional) Generate the URL for a implicit flow auth.