
What are signals

Signals are “events” that will be triggered in some circumstances. When triggered, they will call all “callable” objects (functions, object methods, …) that are hooked on the signal.

To hook to any signal, just call the add_receiver method from the signal you want to subscribe.
To remove your subscription to a signal, call the remove_receiver method from the signal.



To have a little more details on how it work, let’s take the AFTER_TOKEN_REFRESH signal, which is triggered when the token is refreshed while the app is doing a EsiClient.request() call.
Description of this signal is in the next section of this page.

# first we reate a function that'll wait for the signal parameters
# kwargs is used to prevent error if CCP adds more thing in the /oauth/token response
def after_token_refresh_hook(access_token, refresh_token, expires_in, **kwargs):
	print "We got new token: %s" % access_token
	print "refresh token used: %s" % refresh_token
	print "Expires in %d" % expires_in

# now we hook to the signal

# let's say you have a security object initialized and a client (see [SSO Authentification])
# you wait for 20minutes, the token to expires then you do a request (any with authentification required)
op = app.op['get_characters_character_id_wallet'](
wallet = esiclient.request(op)

# This will also print the following
We got new token: AZERDFGJGUTR35GI7YAHGG318734G9
refresh token used: J31498HDF83G0187GD40318G
Expires in 1200


List of signals


This triggered with a token update while a EsiClient.request() is done. This is not triggered if the user manually call EsiSecurity.update().

Arguments Type Description
access_token String The new access token used to log in
refresh_token String The refresh token used to refresh
expires_in int The token validity time in seconds
token_type String The token type returned
**kwargs Dict Any other values CCP may add in the future and not yet in this doc


This signal is triggered after each requests done.
The only purpose of this request is to monitor api calls.

IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that, if you do time consuming tasks using this event, your calls will be slowed ! Consider using async / parallel tasks here.

Arguments Type Description
url String The url called
status_code int The status code of the request
elapsed_time int The elapsed time to get the response in seconds
message String JSON response string only if status_code is not 200, else None.