Running with docker


By default (with the default configuration) this containers requires the following container or services to be available:

  • database (default link name: db): either mysql/mariadb or postgresql
  • rabbitmq (default link name: rabbitmq): rabbitmq or any similar messaging queue

You can also use redis or whatever you want, but you will have to adjust the configuration / environment variables.

Available volume

The container provide a specific volume /static which will contain the static files.
If you use nginx or any webserver to serve static file, do not hesitate to map it !

Environment variables

Variable Defaults Description
SECRET_KEY YouNeedToChangeThis8946513!!?? The secret key used for persistent session in flask. Please set your own !
DB_URI mysql://user:password@db/db The DB URI to connect to the database
EVE_DATASOURCE tranquility ESI Related configuration: define where you get resources (tranquility, singularity…)
ESI_SECRET_KEY   ESI Secret Key from
ESI_CLIENT_ID   ESI Client ID from
ESI_REDIRECT_DOMAIN   Redirect Base domain for ESI callback. This must be the root of your Lazyblacksmith instance, for example from this container
ESI_USER_AGENT LazyBlacksmith Docker/1.0 Define the user agent that will be send with ESI queries. Use something that means really something / A way to contact you
MARKET_ORDER_THREADS 4 Number of threads used to gather regions market orders. The more you have the faster it may be, but also the more memory you will use
UWSGI_PROCESSES 4 The number of uwsgi worker to run the application.
UWSGI_SOCKET_TYPE --socket Use --socket (default) to use this container behind a nginx instance (with uwsgi_pass). Use --http-socket to use http proxy (other than nginx) or direct access to this container
UWSGI_OPTIONS   Use this to give uwsgi any other options you may need
CELERY_BROKER amqp://guest:guest@rabbitmq:5672 The broker URI to connect the messaging queue for Celery
CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND rpc:// The result backend URI for celery
CELERY_CONCURRENCY 4 The number of worker run by celery
CELERY_LOGLEVEL INFO Default log verbosity
CELERY_OPTIONS   Any options you may want to provide to celery workers and/or celery beat.

You may also want to provide your own file if you need more customization (caching, market order region…). In this case just map the file to the container with -v /your/custom/

You can find the default configurations here

Start the application

The image allows you to run 3 different type of process:

  • uwsgi (the default): this will start uwsgi within the container and serve the python app. This will also update the SDE and database each time you run it, unless you provide a second argument (different from “0”) to avoid this
  • celery: this will start the celery workers
  • celery-beat: this will start the celery scheduler to schedule the tasks

To run the application simply run the container (default config):

# run uwsgi
SKIP_DB_UPGRADE=0 # set it to 1 if you don't want to upgrade database at runtime
docker run -it --name lazyblacksmith -p 9090:9090 -e UWSGI_SOCKET_TYPE="--http-socket" \
        --link rabbitmq --link db \
        -e ESI_SECRET_KEY=secretkey -e ESI_CLIENT_ID=clientid -e ESI_REDIRECT_DOMAIN="http://container_or_serverIP_or_dns:9090" \
        -e DB_URI='mysql://user:password@db/lazyblacksmith' \
        anakhon/lazyblacksmith uwsgi $SKIP_DB_UPGRADE

# run celery
docker run -it --name lazyblacksmith-celery \
        --link rabbitmq --link db \
        -e ESI_SECRET_KEY=secretkey -e ESI_CLIENT_ID=clientid \
        -e DB_URI='mysql://user:password@db/lazyblacksmith' \
        anakhon/lazyblacksmith celery

# run celery beat
docker run -it --name lazyblacksmith-celerybeat \
        --link rabbitmq --link db \
        anakhon/lazyblacksmith celery-beat

Upgrade elements in the container

If you need to upgrade something in the container you can use the docker exec command, like the following:

prerequisite: “lazyblacksmith” container should run !

docker exec -it lazyblacksmith <command>

Where command can be one of the following.

Command Description
update_static_files Update the static files in the volume /static. This is required after an upgrade !
bash -c "source /venv/bin/activate && python db upgrade" Upgrade the database model (required if you use SKIP_DB_UPGRADE from above)
bash -c "source /venv/bin/activate && python sde_import -d" Upgrade the sde data by downloading the latest export from fuzzwork (required if you use SKIP_DB_UPGRADE from above)
bash -c "source /venv/bin/activate && python celery_tasks -u" Manually run the celery tasks to update universe data
bash -c "source /venv/bin/activate && python celery_tasks -c" Manually run the celery tasks to update character data
bash -c "source /venv/bin/activate && python celery_tasks -p" Manually run the celery tasks to purge old data

Run with docker compose from source

If you want to run the full application, from the source, there’s a base docker-compose you can use for this. It’s located in the root folder

The compose file requires you to create a .env file at the root of the project, containing the following lines:

# the flask secret key

# OPTIONAL: ESI informations

If you don’t include ESI information, the application will run without any authenticated features (account, character/corp blueprints, etc).

Once you are set, you can start the app using the following:

# if you use the docker-compose binary, replace "docker compose" with "docker-compose"
docker compose up --build

Once it’s started, you can update the SDE at any time using

docker compose run init-db sde-import